Gettysburg Regional Airport Runway to be closed for 68 days

(Middletown, PA – May 31, 2016)  The runway at Gettysburg Regional Airport (W05) will be closed for approximately 68 days starting on Tuesday, May 31. During this time, the eastern portion of the runway will be removed and reconstructed.  Landings or takeoffs of aircraft including helicopters and glider operations will not be permitted while the runway is closed.  The runway will reopen around Saturday, August 6. Gettysburg Regional Airport is owned and operated by the Susquehanna Area Regional Airport Authority (SARAA) which also owns and operates Harrisburg International Airport, Capital City Airport, and Franklin County Airport.

This closure is part of a two phase project to reconstruct the entire 3,100 foot length of the single runway at the airport. During the reconstruction, the existing runway will be removed and replaced with a new pavement section that includes 24-inches of depth of crushed aggregate and four inches of asphalt pavement. This reconstruction will address severe cracking that has resulted from frost heave. In 2017 the western half will be reconstructed.